Sunday, February 16th - Sunday, February 23rd
DCY (Destiny Church Youth)-Valentine's Party - Sunday,February 16th, at 5:00
Join us as we party & have an amazing night!
It's Valentines Day weekend so we want to celebrate the most important love that we can ever receive, and that's the love of Jesus!
Going back in time, we're showing off our BEST Valentines Boxes without actually making a real valentines box, if you know what I mean ;)
DC Connect Groups - Sunday, February 16th - 5:00-6:00
Six weeks of classes helping you grow in your everyday life beginning February 2nd and ending March 16.
(Connect Groups will not meet on February 9th)
Click the button below for more info and to register:
GriefShare Support Group - Monday, February 17th at 6:30pm
GriefShare Support Group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13 week group, you'll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what's "normal" in grief. While everyone's response to loss is unique, people facing loss and grief will experience many of the same challenges. The weekly GriefShare topics address these common struggles-providing valuable tips, encouragement, and direction. Each session will include a 30 minute video and group discussion with your GriefShare Leader. Childcare is provided.
Leader: Stefanie Lambeth
When: Mondays at 6:30-8:00 beginning February 3rd and ending May 5th.
Where: Destiny Church Coffee Shop
Cost: $20 per person to cover registration and material fees
Please register below. (Each person should register individually).
Canceled-Tuesday Night Bible Study - Tuesdays at 7pm
Meet at the Coffee Shop at DC to deep dive into the Bible! Childcare provided.
Women's Workout and Bible Study-Thursdays at 4:15pm
Join Angie Bundy & Jen Dillard at DC for an evening of low impact workouts followed by a Bible study. Please contact Angie Bundy for more information. 417-291-5915
DC Young Adults (Young Disciples) - Friday, February 21st, 2025 at 6:00
Join the Young Adults of DC for a time of fun and fellowship. The Young Disciples group is for those who are 18 to Mid 20s. They will be meeting in the home of Chad and Destiny Rogers:
3314 Madison Rhian Ave,
Joplin MO 64804
Business Networking Breakfast - Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 at 9:00am
Imagine all of the Destiny Church Business Owners and Upper Management Decision Makers coming together in one place to do business together! Networking, connecting resources, encouraging and equipping with one see each other SUCCEED with excellence.
WHO: Owners and managers with Christ-like integrity to take our place as the head, and not the tail in our community.
WHAT: To walk in the favor of God, doing business together, motivating each other and coaching our fellow DC Businesses through each other's experiences.
WHERE: Destiny Church
WHEN: Saturday, February 22, 2025 at 9:00am
Click the button below to let us know you are coming:
Destiny Church Sunday Services-Sunday, February 23rd,2025 at 9:00 and 10:50
DCY (Destiny Church Youth) - DCY Student Takeover (DC GROUPS), Parent Meeting to follow - Sunday, February 23rd at 5:00
DCY is joining with DC Groups to have service from 5:00-6:00 PM!!
Each of the weeks that we meet up for DC Groups will also be STUDENT-LED, which goes from worship, the message, games, serving opportunities, etc!
We've got a seat saved for you as always!! Can't wait to see you!
Don't forget about our parent meeting following youth at 6pm! We will be discussing how parents can get involved, fundraising, and paperwork for events later this year! We promise to make this meeting as quick as possible.
DC Connect Groups - Sunday, February 23rd - 5:00-6:00
Six weeks of classes helping you grow in your everyday life beginning February 2nd and ending March 16.
(Connect Groups will not meet on February 9th)
Click the button below for more info and to register:
Are you ready to be a volunteer at DC?
Volunteering is an integral part of the culture at Destiny Church. Are you ready to join the DC Dream Team? We are looking for YOU. Click the button below and fill out the form.
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Looking Ahead...
Stay up to date at DC by looking ahead to what's happening. Click the button to view the DC Calendar.